Technical Request Form – Performance Luminary Arts Center Technical Request – Performance "*" indicates required fields We look forward to welcoming you to the Luminary Arts Center. This form is intended to provide Luminary staff with an overview of your technical needs. Please refer to the Technical Specs document for rep plots and other venue information. Please submit this form at least one (1) month prior to your first day in the space.Your Name*Your TitleEmail* Organization*Performance Title*Brief Performance DescriptionSTAFFINGWho is the primary point of contact for production/technical information?*Point of Contact Email* Do you need our House Technician to operate any technical aspects during your performance?* None Lighting Sound Projections Do you have a production team?* Yes No Do you have a run crew* Yes No Do you have a Stage Manager(s)?* Yes No Stage Manager Name*Stage Manager Email* Do you have a design team?* Yes No Do you have a Lighting Designer?* Yes No Lighting Designer Name*Lighting Designer Email* Do you have an Audio Designer/Mixer?* Yes No Audio Designer Name*Audio Designer Email* Do you have any other designers or technical personnel?* Yes No Name, Contact Information, and Role*COMMUNICATIONS (COM) / HEADSETSCommunication Channel Options*We have both wired and wireless headsets used for backstage/booth communications. 1-Channel Wired 2-Channel Wireless None 1-Channel Wired Quantity*12342-Channel Wireless Quantity*12341-Channel Wired Location*2-Channel Wireless Location*How many Communication Channels?Please enter a number from 1 to 4.Any additional Communications? Yes No Additional Communication Needs and LocationsDo any communications need paging? Yes No Paging NeedsBACKSTAGE SET-UPProp Table Needs* 4′ prop tables 6′ prop tables None 4' Prop Table Quantity*Please enter a number less than or equal to 6.6' Prop Table Quantity*Please enter a number less than or equal to 2.4' Prop Table Location*6' Prop Table Location*Will you need Quick Change Booths?* Yes No Unknown How many quick change booths?*Please enter a number less than or equal to 4.Where do you need Quick Change Booths?*Do you have on-site storage needs?* Yes No Maybe Please explain the needs:*Will you have weapons?*We do have a small locked storage option for weapons Yes No Maybe Please explain what weapons will be used*SOFT GOODS & MARLEYAcoustic Curtains (North Wall blocking freight elevator)*When these curtains are closed, it gives a wing space on SL Open Closed Acoustic Curtains (East Wall behind audience seating)* Open Closed Would you like soft legs?* Yes No How many legs?*Please enter a number less than or equal to 10.Would you like the legs in the rep position?* Yes No Please explain how you are envisioning legs*Will you be utilizing the under seating crossover space?* Yes No Please explain how it will be used:*Do you want the dance marley laid down?* Yes No Do you want black or grey marley?* Black Grey How many panels?**Each panel is 4ft deepPlease enter a number from 1 to 5.LIGHTINGHow would you like your channels labeled?* Stage Left -> Stage Right Stage Right -> Stage Left Channel Numbers Unknown Will you be using the Rep Plot as is?* Yes No Please explain the changes needed*Will you be using lighting booms?* Yes No How many lighting booms?*Please enter a number from 1 to 8.Please explain your ideal position for booms and what lighting fixtures will be used:*Will you be bringing your own lighting equipment?* Yes No Maybe Please explain the equipment you will be bringing:*AUDIO/SOUNDWill there be amplified sound?* Yes No What kind of amplification?* Sound Playback Amplified Performances Other Do you have pre-show music?*Please note we do not have a house account to play music – you will need to provide your own music or a streaming service log-in Yes No Do you have pre/post show announcements?* Pre-show Post-show None Will you be utilizing QLab?*QLab is a sound playback program Yes No Will you be using microphones?* Yes No What microphones will you be using?* Handhelds Body Mics Handheld Options* Shure SM58 (wired) Shure AD Wireless How many Shure SM585 (wired)?*Please enter a number from 1 to 4.How many Shure AD Wireless?*Please enter a number from 1 to 4.How many body mics?**Please note you will need to provide your own mic element and any other equipmentPlease enter a number from 1 to 4.Will you be using microphone stands?* Yes No Number of microphone stands needed*Please enter a number less than or equal to 4.Do you have any instruments?* Yes No Unknown Will the instruments need to be amplified?* Yes No Unknown Do you need any monitors or floor fills beyond the rep plot?*Please note we have 4 additional speakers beyond the rep plot Yes No Please describe type and placement*Will you be bringing any audio equipment?* Yes No Unknown Please explain what equipment you will be bringing:*PROJECTIONSWill there be projections?* Yes No Do projections have an audio component?* Yes No What is your desired lens size?* Wide Narrow Unknown Will you be using the projection screen?* Yes No Will you be projecting from the house computer?* Yes No Unknown Please explain how you will be projecting:*VIDEO/STREAMINGDo you need video monitoring?*Ex: Conductor cam, stage manager cam backstage, etc Yes No Please explain what kind of video monitoring and where you would like it:*Will you have any live feed cameras?* Yes No How many cameras?*Where are the camera's going to be located?*Are you doing any Video/Audio recording?* Yes No Do you need audio feeds sent to the recording?* Yes No Please explain how the recording will be captured and how it will be used:*SCENERYDo you have a set or any scenery?* Yes No Please explain:*Scenic drawings/renderingsIf you have any drawings, images, or documents for your scenic elements you may upload them here Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB. Do you plan on having any rigging or hanging elements?*This could include set/scenery pieces hanging from the lighting grid, or items rigged for artists to perform on. Yes No Unknown Name of the rigging/hanging element point person*Email of the rigging/hanging element point person* Phone number of the rigging/hanging element point personPlease explain your rigging/hanging elements and needs:*Please note that all hanging/rigging elements are subject to a safety walkthrough and approval by the LAC staffOTHERAny additional tech requests?Any additional comments or questions? Δ